Friday, July 25, 2008

Mia Crawls

Mia and her Helmet

Well we have a lot to talk about all of the sudden.

As the title implies the little M. has indeed crawled, much like life with a whimper not a bang. Two sightings of a modified Army high crawl, this is exciting stuff, I equate it to being 13 and getting your parents car alone for the first time. Places to go people to see and crashes to have. We have been a bit off with the photography and getting them online but rest assured dear readers we have some very adorable pictures of the little M. doing all types of things.

Speaking of new things, the helmet and the flat have added a new dimension to our lives. The upkeep and maintenance is minimal and she seems to be enjoying her new purple and pink butterfly illustrated new hat. She is so adorable in it and to be honest I rest a little better knowing that she has a hard hat protecting her head from the constant flopping on the floor that she does. Every kid should have one.

At the end of the night she gets to take it off for an hour while we clean it and her. The first thing that we do is rub her head with both hands and she instantly looks like a baby on heroine. Her eyes roll back her body goes limp and she literally looks stoned. Like a dog who is getting his belly rubbed, it looks like bliss. I promise a picture of that next as well.

No posts last week as I was away again. I know, I know "You went away again?!!?" How could I? Yeah yeah she is a saint I know. Well, I went to be a counselor at the CT. children's burn camp. This camp is for any burn victim from the age of 8-17, and there were 70 of them who attended the camp. All I will say to those naysayers is this; In order to be the kind of role model that my daughter deserves, we need to continue to embrace the things that are important to us, the things that define us and what will ultimately help mold our daughter into the kind of person that we all hope she will become.

Look for pics in the next couple of days.


Anonymous said...

She looks so cute! xo

JKG said...

you won't get any naysaying from me, man. I think that CT BC is one of the best things you do.

Mia crawls...and ROCKS with that helmet. Cute as cute, dude.

JKG said...

Dude, you need to update.