Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Such a girl

As a parent you can't possibly expect us to be impartial about our baby or even reasonable when it comes to our expectations. For instance sane people wouldn't swear that their little girl was already developing a personality at 4 months and less than 15 pounds. The little M. has already shown her quirkiness by breaking ties with Chico and the B. Once her only friends and confidants, she now shuns them and refuses to make even eye contact. Was it somthing they said?

She has found new and exciting was to communicate, which of course is a great relief to mommy and daddy. The crying is great and all but we prefer the babbling and motor boating. Yes, motor boating. Think thhhhhhhbbbbbbbtttttttttttttttt with a wet ring to it aka. the rasberry.

The first few months were less about entertaining and more distracting. As of late though we are happy to report giggling smiling and what would seem rapture to be watching her loving parents! Your darn right it's rapture, see I can be very sane and impartial.

Now, as for the loving part we are doing a ton of that. To be honest it's the only thing we are sure we are doing right. Some may say we are spoiling her and to those I give you a motor boat of my own TTTHHHHHHBBBBBBTTTTTTTTTT!!!!

Lastly on a sad note daddy has to go away and play G'I. Joseph for three months. Nothing inheirintly risky just a school, a school I have no choice but go to and a great oppurtunity. However, three months away from my new family. I should get a stipen for that, hazerdous duty pay at the very least sick call for my broken heart. No worries dear reader mommy will keep you updated and may be begging you all for help. Stay tuned for more tales from the crib.

Who me?

Oh my goodness, what a cutie pop! Here are those eyes I was telling you about.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Tales of a House Husband

So, here we are. This post will be a bit lengthy so I warn the casual reader. I have been slow in the updates lately and for those eager for them I apologize. I hadn't known so many people were checking in until they started reminding me that I had not posted anything about the Little M. in quite some time.

My goodness what a person she is becoming. At just over three months she is quite a sight. Right now she is babbling on about who knows what to her elephant Chico. Both of them have grins on their faces but neither of them are telling why. She is constantly eating her hand, and here I thought it would be some time before we started her on solids. Her best friend next to Chico is a bee. His name is B. Hey, we are a creative bunch. She is definitely interacting now with her toys which is to say she spends hours trying to get them in her mouth. And of course she is a beauty. She is starting to look like a baby and she has Trixies dramatic eyes. We haven't gotten a weight recently but the guess (and I am always wrong) would be about 15lbs probably less. Last night she slept a remakable 8 hours stretch, although my guess tonight she will be back down to her average of 4 or 5.

As for Trixie she is suffering her way back to work and hates being away from the babe. Having recently been promoted to House husband I can tell you that the years I thought house wives had it easy are years that I was severely misinformed. It is a joy and great privilege to watch our daughter do all the fantastic things she does it is also a blessing to be able to share all of the magic she is observing and life she is taking in. That being said it is work to keep up, keep entertained keep clean, keep fed and keep fascinated in said world. Wow, couple with that a terror of screwing it up or damaging the kid for life. I don't know how anyone does it much less a single parent. My diapers off to them.

I am a bad blogger to have kept you waiting for over a month when everyday there is something wonderful to report. My New Years Resolution is to keep you the dear reader captivated with many flax golden tales of the Little M. Till then gagga googoo