Thursday, September 18, 2008

Forgive my rant...

I have seen a lot of conflict in my life, sometimes very violent and life changing. So, I tend to avoid it until it is absolutely necessary, frankly I often adopt a "go along to get along" mentality to steer clear of said conflict. This blog in and of itself has a sole purpose of being a baby blog and not a forum for me to discuss politics, war and pop culture.

That being said I intend to break some of those rules in this entry.

America is broken and I am afraid. My heart hurts for my daughter and the men and woman who have fallen for our stars and stripes. OUR stars and stripes.

We The People.

We need change and we need a plan and we need to execute that plan. We need to hold ourselves accountable as well as our leaders. This is not a popularity contest or a talent show it's a hail Mary pass hoping the guy that catches the ball can lead us out of the darkness and into the open. For God's sake vote, vote with your heart and your mind.

Because my daughter deserves the America that I love.

I have seen America from the wreckage of the World Trade center, America hung its colors from their windows and doors and on their front lawn. They sang from their steps and they believed. We need to stop blaming and start believing.

Great fine it's all Bush's fault. He caused terrorism and bank greed, he caused the medias frenzied parasitic sensationalism, he may have even killed Nicole Simpson.... fine but now what.....

I can't turn on the television without hearing the same story three different ways the government may be lying to us but so are our televisions. So are our candidates.

Look I don't have an answer, my heart says McKayne but my head says Ohbahmah. I have this.... Vote Vote vote vote. Because We are the people, it's our flag it's our country and we have to hand it to my daughter.

True Love

1 comment:

andryadawn said...

Wow. Well said. Well written. Can you publish this somewhere big?! Sheesh.